Between the late 60′s to the mid 90′s Pink Floyd soared to enormous heights, musically and in popularity. They made what I like to call ‘Modern Classical Music’. The band set out to make watching or listening to them an experience. Musically with beautifully crafted pieces that encompassed; pop, rock, and classical styles with rich and vibrant lyrics that took us from the first world war, through to Space and the universe. Visually by incorporating the best lighting technology for its time and displaying crafted and emotive images on too large canvasses. This came to be named as phsycadelic rock and this band led the way.
Aussie Floyd formed in 1992 and have worked tirelessly to reproduce all that was the live experience of Floyd. This is not pantomine or cheap imitation. What they earn they Plough back into the band buying even bigger and better lighting and equipment. Employing top sound and lighting engineers. The Aussie Floyd are now recognised as a true class act in their own right touring the world playing large stadiums and arenas. Indeed when Dave GIlmour, Pink Floyds guitarist was looking for a band for a private function, there was only one choice TAPFS. Gilmour later jammed with the band at the function and said ‘They are better than we were’.
On Saturday the 6th July something new was introduced into the Floyd story. Jodrell Bank built in the late 1940′s the scientists there have been sending and receiving sounds from space taking our understanding of our universe further than we could have ever imagined. The most visual part of the banks array of equipment stands the Lovell telescope with its 350mtr wide dish.
So we have this amazing band playing amazing music, and a light and lazor show surely without equal just looking for a canvess. Step in the Lovell telescope, the result jaw dropping. That neither band had thought of playing there before is strange. Jodrell Bank for TAPFS had it all, the dish, the science the perfectly sized crowd and space, and on this July 6th the weather.
We were all just blown away, having seen both bands at different times in different arenas, this concert on this night stood above them all.
It was not filmed and if they played there again a hundred times it could not be bettered. I had the privilage of hearing and seeing The Pink Floyd experience at its best. How lucky am I.
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